Change starts with noticing.
It starts in our nervous system.
Shifting attention and noticing difference.
Gets the nervous system interested.
Opens the door to learning something new, through discovery.
To stay noticing, bring playfulness to the table.
To stay playful
Don’t try hard
Don’t try to get it right.
Don’t try to do well.
Don’t force.
Do just what’s easy and comes simply.
Start with what is available
The path of least resistance
Just what takes your interest.
Bring heaps of CURIOSITY.
As you explore notice any resistance “lightly”
And see what you discover as you go.
What reveals itself to you.
Moving attention in this way
Cultivates a fresh quality to listening, sensing and feeling.
That moves us toward discovering what is possible.
Pushing hard can lead to what's not possible.
One doorway of possibility leads to the next
This is how true learning happens.
Change starts with noticing
Shifting attention and noticing difference.
Love this quote:
What you truly learn best will appear to you later as your own discovery ~ Moshe Feldenkrais
Let me know how you go.
Keep playing and exploring.
There’s a playful exploration to try below
An easy to do exploration playing with attention.
Take a 3-minute Time Out. (Absolutely take more time if you want to)
Sit/stand/lie down/walk around (whatever is easiest).
3 sounds
3 smells
3 sensations
Remember keep it playful.
Up for more…?
Zoom into the sounds, get more curious about each of them, as sensation and smell move to background of your attention
Zoom into your sensations as sound and smell move back
Let smell be in the foreground as you hold sensation and sound in the background.
And more…?
Tune into the sounds and keep a sense of the sensations
Notice the smells as you hear the sounds
This White Denim video will ask you to layer attention:
If you would like to learn more about how I can help you move with ease and do what you love with comfort and confidence, do get in touch. I'd love to hear from you. My Feldenkrais Method classes offer a gentle, mindful approach to movement, helping you develop greater body awareness and improve overall functionality.