So, you are thinking about diving deep into a pregnancy yoga training?
Maybe you’ve been teaching yoga for years and are now considering expanding your knowledge into this very specialized area? Or are already working supporting women through their pregnancy and birthing journey in another capacity?
Either way, it’s exciting to know the profound impact yoga can have on the well-being of mothers, both physically and emotionally.
If you are looking for an in-depth pregnancy yoga training program, you are wanting more than just a standard certification.
You want something transformative.
A learning experience through which you can grow your expertise and embody a real depth of knowledge.
To learn and train with leading specialists in their field.
Why Prenatal/Pregnancy Yoga?
Every pregnancy is unique and has a rhythm and story of its own. Prenatal yoga offers mothers an opportunity to connect with their changing bodies, their babies and to other mothers. This specialized yoga is tailored to meet and address the changing needs of women as they move through their pregnancy.
As an informed and highly trained prenatal yoga teacher, you are guiding women through one of the most transformative periods of their lives. Helping them manage common discomforts of pregnancy, reduce stress, and prepare both for birth and beyond: mentally, emotionally and physically.
Pregnancy is an immensely dynamic time of change. A woman’s body is beautifully designed to nurture and adapt to her growing baby, in preparation for labour and birth. It is vital to have a wider and deep understanding of what is happening and why, to offer a safe, supportive space for all those attending classes. Without introducing any risks, or reinforcing the myths, misconceptions and misinformation that surround pregnancy.
To hold groups safely, effectively and responsibly, in-depth knowledge is essential.
What to look for from an in-depth Pregnancy Yoga Training
Looking for a truly comprehensive training program, to become a specialist in your field, you want something that focuses on more than just modifying yoga poses.
Look for a curriculum that covers not only the physical aspects of prenatal yoga, but also the mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of pregnancy.
A quality, in-depth pregnancy yoga training should include:
1. Anatomy and Physiology of Pregnancy
It is one thing to understand “yoga alignment,” but teaching pregnancy yoga requires a more specific understanding of the pregnant body. You need a depth of understanding of the physiology of pregnancy: change and adaptations in the muscular-skeletal system, nervous system endocrine system, respiratory and circulatory systems etc.
A good program will break down how these physical changes potentially affect movement, flexibility, proprioception, balance, and how yoga can help and support these transformations. Expect training on the trimester-by-trimester changes, as well as common pregnancy discomforts and symptoms like sciatica, pelvic girdle pain, oedema, nausea, fatigue. As well as an in depth understanding of the symbiotic nature of the mother-baby dyad.
2. Yoga Modifications and Adaptations for Each Trimester
The ability to adapt and modify postures and movements to meet the changing needs of the pregnant body is key.
How to hold a class that accommodates for the changing needs of each person in the group.
How to become creative in supporting people real time, as you teach. So each person can benefit and come away feeling confident, more at ease and relaxed in themself.
How to tailor your classes to accommodate each person’s changing needs: balance, mobility, energy levels, and comfort throughout each part of their pregnancy.
How to adjust poses for safety while still providing challenge and strength-building benefits.
How the yoga can enhance the release of the extraordinary hormones of pregnancy, so they flood the mothers’ body and allow her to drop inwards and become more accessible for labour and birth.
3. The Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Dimensions of Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a deeply emotional experience. Hormonal shifts, the anticipation of birth, and the unknowns of preparing for a new life: can bring a rollercoaster of emotions.
A comprehensive prenatal yoga training will cover
How to create a supportive, non-judgmental environment: where people feel safe to express thoughts and feelings they may be experiencing.
How mindful movement, relaxation techniques, breathe awareness and can calm the mind and reduce anxiety.
4. Labour Preparation and Birthing Techniques
Pregnancy, birth and motherhood are a continuum. They are not 3 different events, but rather each are prepared for and informed by the other. Prenatal yoga should also help prepare the body and mind for labour and birth.
Look for a training that focuses on the physiology of physiological labour and birth. With modules on birth education, so that you can help mothers to feel informed and confident as they approach the birth of their baby.
A curriculum that will also equip you with tools and techniques to empower mothers during childbirth, such as breathwork and movements to manage the intensity of surges, poses/movement that encourage optimal fetal positioning.
5. Working with Specialists and Learning from Leaders
If you’re looking for a deep, immersive experience, it’s important to find a program that is led by experienced teachers who are also specialists in prenatal and postnatal care. The best pregnancy yoga trainings are facilitated by a team of experts, which can include midwives, doulas, physiotherapists, and childbirth educators in addition to yoga teachers. This multidisciplinary approach ensures that you get a well-rounded learning experience, enriched with real-life insights.
Choosing the Right Training for You
With so many prenatal yoga programs out there, how do you choose one that provides this level of depth? Start by researching the credentials of the lead teachers.
Do they have significant experience in the prenatal field?
Are they known in the yoga community for their expertise?
You can also look for testimonials or reviews from previous students who have gone through the training.
Look for feedback on:
How well-rounded the curriculum is.
How supported they felt.
Whether the training exceeded their expectations.
Consider whether the program offers mentorship or ongoing support after the training. An intensive learning experience is valuable but having access to mentors who can guide you through the some of the challenges you may face as you begin teaching, can really make a difference in your growth as a teacher.
Bringing you passion into being
Think about what you want to bring to the world of prenatal yoga. If your goal is to positively impact and empower pregnant women, an in-depth training is an essential investment. Pregnancy yoga is not just about learning to teach a few poses. But rather cultivating a specialized skill set to support women and hold safe spaces for women, during one of the most beautiful and also potentially vulnerable, times of their lives.
With the right training, you will develop the tools to guide women safely, mindfully, and confidently through the beautiful journey of pregnancy, birth and beyond. So, if you are ready for a deep learning experience, go for it!
You will be contributing to something powerful and life changing. Ready to transform your passion for yoga into a profound skillset that empowers pregnant women? Enrol in our in-depth Pregnancy Yoga Training and become a trusted guide during one of life’s most beautiful and transformative journeys.